Claim: 51% of American shoppers believe second hand smoke is very harmful.
Null Hypothesis: 51% of American shoppers believe second hand smoke is very harmful.
Alternative Hypothesis: The amount of American shoppers that believe second hand smoke is very harmful differs from 51%
I will be asking any adult person age 18 or older wearing blue jeans. I will ask them to fill out this survey anonymously.
Is second hand smoke considered very harmful to Americans?
Yes or No
Below are my instructions
• Cover sheet
• All of the information from the proposal rewritten with correct “tense”. Do not copy the
proposal into the project. This should be the first page of the project.
• Statement of the claim made in the article
• Detailed description of how, where, and when you collected the data, your sample size must be
at least 50
• A table summarizing the sample data
• Graphical representation of your sample data (histogram, pie chart, etc)
• Complete hypothesis test use 0.05 significance level
• Confidence interval and an interpretation as it pertains to your claim
• A paragraph detailing the conclusion about the article’s claim in light of your hypothesis test.
This should be written separate from the conclusion in your hypothesis test. This is the
conclusion of your project, stated in words, in the context of the situation in sentence form as if
you were writing this conclusion for a non–statistician. Include why your sampling method is not
completely random. Give a plausible reason why your results are different or the same as the
original claim.
• Turn in an envelope containing your questionnaires (drop this by my office or mail it to me)
• Typed, 12 point font. All symbols and graphs must be computer generated. Use correct
notation. See the project link on CourseCompass for how to create math symbols and graphs.
Complete randomness is nearly impossible to obtain but you must try and have a system that shows
your attempt. Write in your conclusion why your sampling method is not completely random. You
may not discover this until after you collect your data.
Submit your project by email (pdf format) or turn in a hard copy by the due date to my office or
mail box. Write math 200 online (nothing else) on the subject line and write your full name in the
body of the email. Name your pdf document in the form “last name, first name project” For
example, Moss, Cindy project.
Late projects will receive 5% grade deduction per day.
Share your conclusion, in sentence format, with the class by responding to your discussion board
post. Include the sample proportion or sample mean along with the P–value. This part is also due
on May 17.
I will use a t chart for the table
and a bar graph for the diaghram
I plan on completing the project by Saturday.
Tonights plan. Gather some information and study chapter 7
Tomorrow night. Gather data and create charts. Create notecard for chapter 7,8,9,10.
Friday night: begin working on problem for project. read chapters 3-6
Saturday: complete project. practice problems, 3-6 and read chapters 1-2

Attic treasures tank

I love Anthropologie.
Omg. I love the skirts! And your project idea seems fantastic!!! Tell me the results, okay? :) Also, you coming down this weekend? You need to let me take pictures of your dress some time! :) And post a real quick picture up of your dress.. if you can?